Mobile Tartu 2024 Conference
The Mobility Lab of the University of Tartu welcomes you to the 9th Mobile Tartu Conference!
Mobile Tartu Conference focuses on mobile big data analytics for just and sustainable societies.
Mobile Tartu 2024 includes two parallel in-person events:
- PhD School on June 11-14, 2024 at Emajõe-suursoo Centre
- International Conference on June 12-14, 2024 at Tartu University Oecologicum
Participation in the PhD School also includes the International Conference.
Early bird due: April 20, 2024!
Paper presentation confirmation deadline: April 20, 2024!
Registration deadline: May 24, 2024!
The conference series connects a strong community of mobility researchers, both early career researchers and leading scholars, as well as professionals from public and private sectors to discuss the latest research and applications in human mobility and mobile big data.
The conference features keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper sessions, and a rich social programme with vibrant discussions about the conceptual, methodological, and empirical aspects of measuring mobility with the help of mobile big data and understanding related socio-spatial and human-environmental interactions. The conference also includes a PhD School with lectures, poster sessions, and hands-on workshops on mobile big data applications for understanding human mobility.
The special themes of Mobile Tartu 2024 will be:
- mobility justice and socio-spatial inequalities,
- mobile big data analytics to inform climate change adaptation and crises preparedness,
- methodological advances, including AI-aided solutions in human mobility research.
Beyond the special themes, we invite a broad range of contributions on human mobility and mobile big data analytics based on mobile phone, social media, GPS, or mobile applications data, discussing the following (but not limited to):
- Measuring and understanding human mobility with mobile big data
- Socio-spatial and environmental inequalities and human wellbeing
- Social networks, digital technology, and spatial mobility
- Associations between disasters/interruptions and spatial (im)mobility
- Multi-local living and cross-border mobilities
- Domestic and international tourism
- Urban sustainability and liveability, sustainability transitions
- Spatial and transport planning, urban governance, and smart cities
- Official statistics
- Data privacy, surveillance, and ethics
- Open data, methods, and research practices
- Tools and applications based on mobile big data
Rein Ahas lecture – Prof. Jukka M. Krisp “Location Based Services – conceptual perspectives for mobility research, navigation and wayfinding“
Keynote speech by Dr. Robin Lovelace “Reproducible research and open tools for future-proof transport planning”
Keynote speech by Assoc. Prof. Anu Masso “Mobility Data Justice: Estonian Data Manifesto”
Keynote speech by Prof. Nico Van de Weghe “Exploring Possibilities: Generative AI in Human Mobility Research”
Panel Discussion – “Advancing human mobility research with AI”
Panel Discussion – “Understanding accessibility and socio-spatial disparities with mobile big data“

This event is organised in cooperation with the EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network. The event is supported by the University of Tartu and the City of Tartu.