
The conference is organised by the Mobility Lab at the University of Tartu, in collaboration with EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network, NECTAR Cluster 8: ICT, and Positium.

The PhD school is organised with the support from EIT Urban Mobility, and the event is partially funded by the European Union.

The PhD School workshops are organised in collaboration with TalTech, Aalto University, and Technical University of Munich.

Mobility Lab logo, blueAge Poom, Associate Professor in Urban Environment,

Elise Jalonen, Secretariat,

Siiri Silm, Associate Professor in Human Geography,

Anto Aasa, Associate Professor in Human Geography,

Veronika Mooses, Research Fellow of Human Geography

Janika Raun, Research Fellow in Tourism Geography

Ago Tominga, PhD researcher

Martin Haamer, PhD researcher

Laura Altin, PhD researcher

Jürgen Öövel, Specialist

Prof. Frank Witlox, Visiting Professor from Ghent University at the Department of Geography, University of Tartu

PositiumErki Saluveer, Member of the Board

Margus Tiru, Member of the Board

NECTAR network logoLuc Wismans, Associate Professor in Transport Engineering and Management, University of Twente

Siiri Silm, Associate Professor in Human Geography, University of Tartu

Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research
EIT Urban MobilityBenjamin Büttner, Deputy Chair Holder of the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning, Technical University of Munich

Corinna Niederreiter, Program Manager, EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network

EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network


This event is has received funding from the EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network, University of Tartu, and the City of Tartu.