Rein Ahas Lecture


Rein Ahas Lecture series is dedicated to the memory and academic legacy of Prof. Rein Ahas (10.12.1966-18.02.2018), a visionary scholar and the founder of the Mobility Lab at the University of Tartu. He initiated the Mobile Tartu conference series in 2008 and was the head of the organising committee until 2018. Rein Ahas was an influential pioneer scholar in mobile phone-based research within the broad field of geography and social sciences. Rein Ahas Lecture is one of the keynote speeches at the Mobile Tartu biennial conference, given by a person belonging to’s wide academic network of Rein. 

Publications by Rein Ahas

Rein Ahas Lecture 2024 will be held by Professor Jukka M. Krisp from Augsburg University



Keynote speech “Location Based Services  conceptual perspectives for mobility research, navigation and wayfinding

Prof. Dr. Krisp studied at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany & the University of Turku, Finland. He proceeded with his postgraduate studies at the Technical University of Helsinki (TKK, now Aalto University) Finland in the field of Cartography & Geoinformatics, where he finished his doctoral dissertation and continued to work as a senior investigator. In 2008 he changed his position to the Technical University Munich (TUM) to work as the Head of Research at the Department of Cartography (LfK). In 2013, after finishing his habilitation at the TUM, he was appointed to be a Professor of Applied Geoinformatics at the University of Augsburg, Germany. His current research interests include in particular Geovisualization & Location Based Services (LBS).

Previous keynote speakers delivering Rein Ahas Lecture

Mobile Tartu 2022Prof. Mei-Po Kwan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) “Big data and geospatial technologies for smart cities research”


Professor Kwan Mei-Po is the Director of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, the Director of the Institute of Future Cities, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and an affiliated faculty of the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof. Kwan is a Fellow of the United Kingdom Academy of Social Sciences, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and American Association of Geographers and a Guggenheim Fellow. She was awarded many Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards by the American Association of Geographers, including the Distinguished Scholarship Honors, the Anderson Medal of Honors in Applied Geography, the Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography, the Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography, the Edward L. Ullman Award for Outstanding Contributions to Transportation Geography, and the Melinda Meade Award for Outstanding Contributions to Health and Medical Research. Prof. Kwan has received research grants of more than USD 62.7 million, delivered about 380 keynote addresses, and invited lectures and presentations in more than 20 countries. Her recent projects examine the health impacts of individual environmental exposure (e.g., noise, air pollution, green space), urban and mobility issues, the space-time dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic and the perception of data privacy; and the protection of geoprivacy via the development of a Geospatial Virtual Data Enclave (GVDE).

Mobile Tartu 2020 – Prof. Georg Gartner (Vienna University of Technology) “Towards semantic location based services”