PhD School

“Mobility Data Analysis for Social and Environmental Research”

June 11-14, 2024
merliThe PhD School aims to bring together a new generation of human mobility researchers, familiarise them with mobile big data sources and state-of-the-art research methods, improve their skills in geospatial data literacy and analytics, and discuss the role of mobile big data in spatial planning and governance to ensure just and sustainable societies.

Submission and registration deadline:

15 February 2024. The deadline has been postponed. New deadline 23 February!

Abstract submission CLOSED

The PhD School includes:

  • Hands-on workshops on mobile big data/mobility analytics under the supervision of teams from four universities;
  • Academic keynote speech and lectures from practitioners;
  • Oral or poster presentation of own research in the field of human mobility;
  • Full integration to the main conference programme, giving a lot of space and visibility to PhD researchers’ work;
  • Interaction with members from the EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network;
  • A rich social programme and informal events.

The PhD School provides an excellent opportunity for doctoral researchers to learn from each other and receive peer and professional feedback on their own research. The PhD School contributes to the development of international and interdisciplinary networks of early career researchers interested in human mobility and mobile big data research.

Target group: Doctoral researchers (graduate students and postdocs are also welcome)

Requirements: Abstract submission is mandatory for members of the EIT Digital Doctoral Training Network (DTN), other early-career researchers still have the opportunity to register and participate in the PhD school and conference, even if they choose not to submit an abstract. Submitting an abstract will be an advantage for evaluation for PhD school, should there be more applicants than available positions.

*** Participants need to bring their own laptop to participate in the workshop.

Venue: The first day workshops and lectures (11 June) will be held in an out-of-town location (transport provided to all registered participants). The rest of the PhD School (12-14 June) will take place in Tartu, Oecologicum, Juhan Liivi 2, and is fully integrated to the main conference programme.

Poster presentation: We kindly ask authors to bring their own posters to the Conference. The organisers will provide pushpins or thumbtacks to mount your poster. Please prepare your poster in size A0 (portrait). It is recommended that you hand-carry your poster to the Conference using tubular packaging or a portfolio case. You can also print the poster on fabric for easier travel. Costs associated with creating and shipping the poster display will be the authors’ responsibility.

PhD School Programme Overview

PhD School Timetable

EIT Urban Mobility    City of Tartu_logo

This event is organised in cooperation with the EIT Urban Mobility Doctoral Training Network. The event is supported by the City of Tartu.